Well, ESXi 7.0 is upon us, and so are new Logs 🙂 If you have been poking around the ESXi’s guts and can’t comprehend what those shiny new logs are, well, you are not alone!
So I went around digging a little one fine midnight Saturday (or Early Sunday – depending if you are the glass is always half full or half empty sorta person) and imagine my joy at seeing the tons of new files support people can gleefully get their dirty paws on!
So here are some of the gems I see at first glance
LogEFI.log crx-cli.log hostd-probe.log kmxd.log storagerm.log vmkwarning.log
Xorg.log cryptoloader.log hostd.log lacp.log swapobjd.log vmware
apiForwarder.log ddecomd.log hostdCgiServer.log lifecycle.log sysboot.log vobd.log
attestd.log dhclient.log hostprofiletrace.log loadESX.log syslog.log vprobe.log
auth.log epd.log init.log localcli.log tallylog vpxa.log
boot.gz esxapiadapter.log iofilter-init.log nfcd.log usb.log vsandpd.log
clomd.log esxcli-software.log iofiltervpd.log osfsd.log vdfsd-proxy.log vsanfs.configdump.log
clusterAgent.log esxcli.log ioinsight.log rhttpproxy.log vdfsd-server.log vsanfs.mgmt.log
cmmdsTimeMachine.log esxgdpd.log jumpstart-esxcli-stdout.log sdrsinjector.log vitd.log vsanfs.vdfsop.log
cmmdsTimeMachineDump.log esxtokend.log jumpstart-native-stdout.log settingsd.log vmauthd.log vsanmgmt.log
cmmdsd.log esxupdate.log jumpstart-stdout.log shell.log vmkdevmgr.log vsanrpd.log
configRP.log etcd.log keypersist.log smbios.bin vmkernel.log vsansystem.log
configstore-boot.log fdm.log kickstart.log sockrelay.log vmkeventd.log vvold.log
configstore-upgrade.log gstored.log kmxa.log spherelet.log vmksummary.log
Well well well, wouldn’t you know it! Look at all those lil fellas 🙂 This is on
vmware -vl
VMware ESXi 7.0.0 build-15843807
VMware ESXi 7.0 GA
And this is /var/run/log
LogEFI.log epd.log ioinsight.log rhttpproxy.4.gz syslog.2.gz vmsyslogd-dropped.log
Xorg.log esxapiadapter.log keypersist.log rhttpproxy.5.gz syslog.3 vobd.0.gz
apiForwarder.log esxgdpd.log kmxa.log rhttpproxy.6.gz syslog.log vobd.1.gz
attestd.log esxtokend.log kmxd.log rhttpproxy.7.gz usb.log vobd.log
auth.0.gz esxupdate.log lacp.log rhttpproxy.log vdfsd-proxy.log vprobe.log
auth.log etcd.log lifecycle.log sdrsinjector.log vdfsd-server.log vpxa.log
clomd.log fdm.log loadESX.log settingsd.log vitd.log vsandpd.log
clusterAgent.log gstored.log localcli.log shell.log vmauthd.log vsanfs.configdump.log
cmmdsTimeMachine.log hostd-probe.log nfcd.log sockrelay.log vmkdevmgr.log vsanfs.mgmt.log
cmmdsTimeMachineDump.log hostd.0.gz osfsd.log spherelet.log vmkernel.0.gz vsanfs.vdfsop.log
cmmdsd.log hostd.log rhttpproxy.0.gz storagerm.log vmkernel.log vsanmgmt.log
crx-cli.log hostdCgiServer.log rhttpproxy.1.gz swapobjd.log vmkeventd.log vsanrpd.log
ddecomd.log hostprofiletrace.log rhttpproxy.2.gz syslog.0.gz vmksummary.log vsansystem.log
dhclient.log iofiltervpd.log rhttpproxy.3.gz syslog.1.gz vmkwarning.log vvold.log
So will do some playing around with the stuff – some files are ancient – some, spankin’ new!
Here are some that stand out and what they do
LoadESX.log – this is related to Quickboot
LogEFI is the EFI boot log module
apiForwarder – related to the vSphere Trust Authority API forwarder
vdfsd server and proxy is the vdfsd service logs and daemons
spherelet is the K8S/POD service logs
kmxd – that’s the Key/Trust provider logs
Those are the ones that stand out immediately I think – maybe it’s just sleep as it’s past 1:30 AM – will play around these in a dat or two and see what these look like.
Any logs you guys see that are intriguing? Comment below and I will check them out!